Thursday, September 26, 2013

Avoiding Mergers

I choose this picture because it looks like the building are coming out of the main building in the center, this is a good example of merger.


I choose this picture because it looks like its been frame, this picture also can catch the attention of the people because it has bright colors of the american flag. It has a before and after showing a plain simple picture to colorful one.


i think this picture shows balance because it looks like the building is going to fall but something is preventing it from falling. Also the guys are trying to get up there which means they have to balance them self so they don't fall.


 Lines, Balance
 this picture can capture the attention of someone because of the patterns it has. The lines in the  and the stars are repeatable.

The Rule of Thirds

This shows the rule of thirds because it has lines going horizontally and vertically .


I choose this picture because its simple you don't have to stare at for along time to tell whats going on.

Post Shoot Reflection

i love her blog. all of the photos she posts are really interesting !

Friday, September 20, 2013

40 Greatest photos ever

 I choose this photo because i see a man helping a baby in a time of need.
 I like this photo because the man is helping an animal in his time of need. I think this photo made it out in the top 40 because no matter what you are man or animal u still need help.
I like how they try to cover the shield with a heart. This pictures shows that not everything is about violence.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Great black and white photographers, PART 2.

Patil Makaran, Works at jdin soft, Attended Modern High school

Red, Happy, Metal
